Are you aged 7-14 and thinking about becoming Catholic, or have you been baptised in another Christian denomination and are now thinking about becoming Catholic. Perhaps you have been baptised Catholic, but, for some reason, you have not received your First Holy Communion and now you want to learn more and become more active in the faith. Some of you may have Catholic friends or relatives or maybe you have met Jesus through bible stories you have heard at school or in films and you want to get to know him better. If this is you, you are very welcome to join us in a personalised programme.
When Jesus saw the two disciples following him, he turned to them and said, “What are you looking for?” They said to him “Rabbi, where are you staying? And he said to them, “Come and see.” And they stayed with him that day. (John 1:38-39)
Parish Priest
Fr Vipin James
Parish Priest
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